Last Friday the CBT made our representation to the Waterview Board of Inquiry , which is being run by the Environmental Protection agency. The transcript is here, and it has a quite revealing exchange with myself and Judge Newhook. It is revealing because clearly the Environmental Protection Agency does not see […]
The Campaign For Better Transport appeared before the Board of Inquiry for the Waterview motorway project. A copy of our representation is here, but key sections are: The CBT remains opposed to the project in its current form, as we consider it does not contribute to a more sustainable transport […]
Submissions on the Waterview Connection Project close Friday 15th October at 5:00pm. The Campaign for Better Transport’s submission is here . In summary: It is questionable whether the project will achieve the objectives that NZTA have highlighted. The proposed bus shoulder lanes along State Highway 16 are an inadequate gesture to […]
Brian Rudman comments in the Herald on the sneaky press release just before Christmas. Think of a figure, double it, add your age and subtract the number of eels in Oakley Creek: that, it seems, is as good a guess as any for the price of completing the Waterview Connection. […]
The ARC feels insufficient information has been provided to properly assess the Waterview motorway link and it still prefers the option of a longer link through Rosebank Rd. The Herald reports: Auckland Regional Council’s transport committee has withheld support for the latest cut-down version of a motorway through Waterview involving […]
Mathew Dearnaley reports on the Auckland City Council’s preference for a “surface-tunnel” option for the Waterview Motorway. From the Herald: Auckland City’s transport committee has infuriated communities in the path of the Waterview motorway by supporting the Government’s preference for a revised “surface-tunnel” option. “I’m absolutely gutted by the response […]
I’m reading an excellent book at the moment – Resilient Cities by Peter Newman, Timothy Beatley and Heather Boyer. I commented on this book a few posts ago, with particular reference to how pathetic our preparedness for peak oil is and how stupid Treasury’s oil price predictions are. I have […]
The Herald reports that the Government has canned the Waterview tunnel, but hasn’t announced what it will be replaced with just yet. The Transport Agency is expected to make a decision today. The maximum budget for the project will be $1.4bn. Act MP John Boscawen thinks the whole thing can […]