Despite the press conference before Christmas where it was claimed that the new integrated ticket in Auckland wouldn’t be called Snapper, and the Herald revealing a $1m publicity budget for the Hop Card, Snapper branding appears to be rolling out in Auckland anyway: The latest Infratil monthly report states that […]
Mathew Dearnaley reports in the Herald Bus operators Ritchies Transport and Howick and Eastern said they were still investigating various options for joining the scheme, and were unlikely to sign up in time for the rugby cup. Ritchies director Andrew Ritchie said the ticketing machines on his 200 or so […]
Auckland Transport have just done a media release: Auckland Transport today announced a key development in the region’s Integrated Ticketing system will be introduced early next year which will allow people to use a single “smart-card” on public transport in Auckland. Auckland Transport’s Chief Executive, David Warburton said, “Supplementing the […]
The Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA), in conjunction with its partner Thales and its funders the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) and the Auckland Regional Council (ARC), today signed the contract to deliver a super transport ticket for Auckland. The ticket will be Auckland and New Zealand’s first, true multi-modal […]
ARTA media release The Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA), in conjunction with the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), today announced the next step in the delivery of an integrated ticketing system for Auckland’s train, bus and ferry users with the selection of a preferred tender. ARTA’s Chairman, Rabin Rabindran says, […]