Demand for a bridge cannot be judged by the number of people swimming across a river. Yet the Prime Minister insists that rail patronage must double before the Government commits to funding the City Rail Link, a concept that does not apply to the multi-billion dollar Roads of National Significance. […]
NZ Herald
It is outrageous that the New Zealand Transport Agency is able to progress the Puhoi – Warkworth toll road without having to show any economic benefits for the $760m cost, or any analysis of alternative options. The NZTA’s traffic estimate of 14,000 vehicles a day for the toll road, without […]
Appearing in the letters section today of the NZ Herald: In opening a fourth motorway lane between Newmarket and Greenlane, the New Zealand Transport Agency claims benefits of over a million dollars week to the Auckland economy, brought about by peak hour journey time savings of up to five minutes. […]
There is a rather strange article in the New Zealand Herald today, entitled “Aucklanders stick with cars as best way to travel”. I’m not quite sure how most popular equates to “best”, but that’s not really the issue here. The article is based around a media release by Statistics NZ […]
The Herald points out that the obvious way to mark the 50 year anniversary of the Harbour Bridge is to let people walk across it. I agree. After all they let people run across it for the Auckland Marathon, so what is the big deal? But they scorn the efforts […]