Appearing in the letters section today of the NZ Herald: In opening a fourth motorway lane between Newmarket and Greenlane, the New Zealand Transport Agency claims benefits of over a million dollars week to the Auckland economy, brought about by peak hour journey time savings of up to five minutes. […]
Seeing the article in the Herald the other day on the queues of traffic that form when you try an merge five lanes into two, made me think of this video from the Onion: Tired Of Traffic? A New DOT Report Urges Drivers: ‘Honk’
CBT’s Jon Reeves found this article in The Age yesterday, causing us to wonder when New Zealand will start listening to public tranport advice from overseas studies? Somehow we seem to think we are different and that even if more roads don’t work for other countries, they will still work here. The Age […]
I’m reading an excellent book at the moment – Resilient Cities by Peter Newman, Timothy Beatley and Heather Boyer. I commented on this book a few posts ago, with particular reference to how pathetic our preparedness for peak oil is and how stupid Treasury’s oil price predictions are. I have […]