Few people know it, or it has been lost in the mists of time, but there is actually an underground train station in the middle of Hamilton, right underneath the Warehouse on Anglesea Street. Here are a couple of photos to prove it, supplied by the intrepid Jon Reeves. The CBT is […]
Hamilton rail
Media Release from the Campaign For Better Transport A petition calling for the introduction of a commuter rail service between Auckland and Hamilton has gathered nearly 8,000 signatures. The Campaign for Better Transport wants to present the petition to Hamilton and regional politicians in two weeks time, however campaign organiser […]
We need your help! The CBT petition calling on the Govt. and its agencies to immediately fund Waikato commuter trains to Auckland will be presented to MP’s at the end of this month. We have over 6,000 signatures now ( 3,000 collected in just the past 2 weekends). There is […]
The Waikato times reports: Hamilton East MP David Bennett was told to “get real” and “keep it shortish” when he faced a public meeting championing a commuter train between Hamilton and Auckland last night. The National MP took the brunt of criticism over the Government’s lack of support for the […]
The New Zealand Herald reports Hamilton City Council has stated the a three-year proposed trail of Silver Fern railcar services between Hamilton and Auckland would need a subsidy of more than $1 million a year. The council said a subsidy was not affordable and Nigel Parry from KiwiRail said yesterday […]
Hamilton – Auckland Commuter Trains Tuesday, 1st December, 7:30pm Hamilton City Council meeting room Left side of GARDEN PLACE Hamilton Central Speakers invited: MP Sue Moroney ( Labour ) MP David Bennett (Hamilton East, National ) MP Tim MacIndoe (Hamilton West, National ) MP Keith Locke ( Greens ) Cr. […]
As covered over at Auckland trains, the MP for Hamilton East, David Bennett, is opposed to the introduction of a regular train service between Auckland and the Waikato. He is now responding to the postcards being sent to him by saying any potential rail service would have “problems”. Responding to […]
Media Release from the Campaign for Better Transport: 05/09/2009 16:16:01 The Campaign For Better Transport’s Hamilton to Auckland commuter train campaign has been so successful, the group have had to order the printing of thousands more of the postcards they are getting people to sign to show their support. New Zealand’s major sustainable […]