Good Morning Mr Pitches Thank you for the invitation to Hon Gerry Brownlee to meet to discuss the project objectives and costs of the City Rail Link. Unfortunately, due to heavy diary commitments, the Minister regrets he is not able to meet with you. Kind regards Ministerial Secretary to Hon […]
Gerry Brownlee
Recent comments by Transport Minister Gerry Brownlee indicate that he has been poorly advised on the benefits and costs of the City Rail Link. You can watch the interview at the Auckland Transport Blog. We wrote to Mr Brownlee on 20th May to correct and clarify the benefits and costs […]
Over at the Auckand Transport Blog I’ve covered the story about how the Government is using misleading figures to imply that it is spending a lot on public transport in Auckland. A Herald article last month highlighted strong support for more Government spending on public transport improvements in Auckland. It included […]
Media Release: Letter sent to Len Brown contradicts media statements The Campaign for Better Transport today labelled Transport Minister Gerry Brownlee’s response to an 18 month study of transport options for Auckland as “cynical and arrogant.” Mr Brownlee yesterday dismissed a report prepared jointly by SKM, Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, […]
Dear Minister Auckland City Rail Link Recent comments you have made in Parliament lead me to believe you are receiving inaccurate advice on the expected patronage and benefits of the proposed Auckland City Rail Link. In Auckland, over 40% of all trips into the CBD each day are made using […]