Following on from the ARC’s media release of last week regarding funding for rail electrification in Auckland, Brian Rudman comments in the Herald: When the new Government pulled the plug on the regional fuel tax six months ago, killing Auckland’s ability to buy itself a modern, electrified rapid-rail system, Transport […]
Responding to the announcement that the petrol excise tax will increase by 3c in October, ARC Chair asks the obvious question in this media release: Auckland has renewed its calls for Government action on funding for electric trains before fuel taxes rise on 1 October. “When the Government cancelled regional […]
It has been an interesting year so far for Auckland’s public transport. Probably the biggest story of the year so far was the cancellation of the Regional Petrol Tax back in March, which put most of the public transport improvements that we can expect in the next few years, into […]
John Landrigan investigates the progress being made on electrification of Auckland’s rail network in this article in the Aucklander. The Government insists that electric rail is still on, dare we say, track. But Auckland is borrowing to buy an ageing diesel fleet of British cast-offs. All abooooard the great traans-Auckland rail jooourneeey. Bear […]
There’s an interesting article in yesterday’s Herald about the progress of sorting out the mess Steven Joyce left Auckland’s public transport in when he cancelled the Regional Fuel Tax a couple of months back. There’s some good news, some frustrating news and some potentially good news. On the positive side, […]
Brian Rudman comments on the Minister of Transport’s decision to investigate a public private partnership for electrified trains, and finds that Sydney’s example may not be one to follow: That contract is running months behind deadline and the New South Wales Premier is very grumpy. The Sydney tender process proper […]
The Herald reports on the news that the Government is now investigating the possibility of a public private partnership for electric trains. The electrification of Auckland’s rail network could be delayed further after the Government announced it was investigating a different funding option to buy new trains, warns the head […]