The Herald reports: Auckland business leaders are pushing the Government to save more than $1 billion by controversially building the Waterview motorway link across country, rather than through tunnels. A report sent to Transport Minister Steven Joyce by the Auckland Business Forum is set to unleash furious debate at a […]
The Herald reports that: Government motorway builders are preparing to move bulldozers on to the Onehunga waterfront this week, despite efforts by a community group to tie them to an alleged 35-year-old promise to provide sandy beaches. The Transport Agency says its contractors can wait no longer to extend their […]
Esther Harward at the Sunday Star-Times asks three “leading international transport gurus and an Auckland expert” where the city needs to go to overcome traffic congestion. And not one of them suggests building or widening motorways.
John Roughan’s anti-public transport articles are becoming tiresome of late. Most recently, he opines that the “active retired do not need free public transport.” What he fails to acknowledge is that public transport provides choice.  Thanks to free ferries and public transport after 9am, SuperGold card holders now have the choice of spending […]
The Royal Commission has today released its findings on the future of Auckland’s local government. Everything is available to read here. I’m yet to read through everything, but from what I have read it looks like very good news for public transport. ARTA is to be replaced by a Regional […]
If one thing annoys me more than anything else in all the transport announcements we’ve seen over the past week or two – removal of the regional petrol tax, creation of a national petrol tax, news the government will pay for Auckland’s new electric trains, unsurprising news that the government […]
Hi all, Cameron has asked me to assist with creating a frequently updated transport blog for this site. It is quite an honour in many ways and I shall do my best to blog here as regularly as I can. I have kept up a blog largely dedicated to Auckland’s […]
The Campaign for Better Transport is campaigning for trams to be considered as part of the new $2bn redevelopment of the old Tank Farm area of Aucklands Waterfront.