Mathew Dearnaley reports in the Herald on the likelihood of cycle and walkways being added to Auckland’s existing harbour crossing. Auckland’s harbour bridge clip-ons could be candidates for “orthopaedic surgery” which would enable walking and cycling paths to be added and could improve their longevity. The Transport Agency has been […]
The Herald reports on the possibility of congestion charges being introduced to get Aucklanders out of their cars. It is however acknowledged that such a scheme would not work without providing viable transport alternatives. Mathew Dearnaley writes: A report to the regional council’s transport committee yesterday said an assessment of various […]
The ARC feels insufficient information has been provided to properly assess the Waterview motorway link and it still prefers the option of a longer link through Rosebank Rd. The Herald reports: Auckland Regional Council’s transport committee has withheld support for the latest cut-down version of a motorway through Waterview involving […]
Steven Joyce says owners of diesel cars can expect to pay more in the future under changes to the current road user charges system. Refer to this article in the Herald. Steven Joyce also says that the government has decided not to replace the road user charges with a diesel […]
Wayne Thompson reports in the Herald on the concern about the lack of public involvement in the new harbour crossing project. Former North Shore mayor George Wood has attacked what he calls a “veil of secrecy” over a future Waitemata Harbour Crossing project. People who would be affected by the […]
Bill English’s views on PPPs and their supposed benefits are reported in the Herald: New Zealand is a decade behind other countries in using public-private partnerships to accelerate, manage risk, and get value for money from big national infrastructure investments, says Finance Minister Bill English. English used a speech to […]
Graeme Hunt reports in the Herald on the need for a dedicated link between the CBD and Auckland Airport. Unfortunately the focus is once again on completing the roading network. We are told that rail is enormously expensive and that Auckland Airport has ruled it out in the short to […]
Auckland Business Forum chairman Michael Barnett states that planning for Auckland’s future transport needs is inadequate and that we need a vision beyond 2015. Graeme Hunt reports in the Herald. Auckland Business Forum chairman Michael Barnett says the region is still playing catch-up when it comes to road spending and […]