With the new Auckland Council in place, we thought now would be a good time to get ideas on how transport in Auckland can be improved. To help with this, we’ve set up ideas.bettertransport.org.nz where you can post, vote for and comment on ideas that will get Auckland moving. We’ll […]
For some time now I’ve been meaning to put together a “FAQ” page to cover the commonly asked questions in relation to public transport. Fortunately Josh Arbury has done some of the work for me in this post over at Kiwiblog: OK so there are two questions here. The first […]
Seeing the article in the Herald the other day on the queues of traffic that form when you try an merge five lanes into two, made me think of this video from the Onion: Tired Of Traffic? A New DOT Report Urges Drivers: ‘Honk’
Discussion last week focussed on Len Brown apparently thowing away a valuable point of negotiation in the fight for rail funding, little has been said on the comments of PM John Key. John Key is being disingenuous when he claims the Puhoi to Wellsford motorway “was something National campaigned on”. […]
Graeme Easte sums up the rail funding issue for Auckland in a letter to the Herald last Thursday: Len Brown is being attacked for seeking billions from the Government to fund major rail projects for Auckland. But this is a category mistake: the real issue is not about seeking substantial […]
Submissions on the Waterview Connection Project close Friday 15th October at 5:00pm. The Campaign for Better Transport’s submission is here . In summary: It is questionable whether the project will achieve the objectives that NZTA have highlighted. The proposed bus shoulder lanes along State Highway 16 are an inadequate gesture to […]
Outgoing ARC Transport Chair Christine Rose sent a thank you letter for our presentation on a cost effective alternative to the proposed toll road between Puhoi and Wellsford. Enclosed with her letter was a the response from Transport Minister Steven Joyce. He makes the startling claim that: While upgrading an […]
Auckland’s traffic congestion was decried by Governor General Sir Anand Satyanand yesterday as a “deadweight” on the region’s productivity. Sir Anand, who grew up in Auckland, said heavy investment in motorways and the decline of public transport after trams were taken off the roads in the 1950s had led to […]