There’s a fantastically interesting post over at Human Transit on comparing the benefits of buses and streetcars (trams), and how it is easy to get blinded by the romance of streetcars rather than looking at the transit problem we are trying to solve and then going about the best way […]
Waterfront Tram
Last Friday the Herald ran my letter in response to Heart of the City’s Alex Swney’s opinion piece: Alex Swney deserves a round of applause for differentiating between the need for a party location for the Rugby World Cup and the longer term needs of a cruise ship terminal and […]
Auckland City Council officials have come back with their report in response to our deputation last December on light rail for the new Wynyard Quarter precinct. It recommends deferring any decision on light rail or trams for the waterfront for a year, in order to tie in to their CBD […]
The Herald reports on our meeting with Auckland City: Auckland City officials will consider a push by transport campaigners trams to be included in the proposed $2 billion-plus Tank Farm waterfront development. The Museum of Transport and Technology (Motat) says 4km of high-quality tracks and low-profile powerlines could be laid […]
The NZ Herald reports on our presentation to Auckland City: Auckland City officials will consider a push by transport campaigners trams to be included in the proposed $2 billion-plus Tank Farm waterfront development. The Museum of Transport and Technology (Motat) says 4km of high-quality tracks and low-profile powerlines could be […]