This month’s briefing paper brings Saudi Arabian production and oil speculation into the spotlight. Click opbp_june_2008 for the PDF version. Oil prices continue to maintain their record high levels, and consequently the New Zealand economy is likely to move into a recession, accompanied by high inflation. In particular, the petro-chemical, […]
Article by Todd Litman, Victoria Transport Policy Institute Abstract Traffic congestion tends to maintain equilibrium. Congestion reaches a point at which it constrains further growth in peak-period trips. If road capacity increases, the number of peak-period trips also increases until congestion again limits further traffic growth. The additional travel is […]
Christopher E Harris, PhD (Planning) Two recent papers have described an ‘Americanisation’ of transport policy in Auckland, New Zealand, characterised by the successful advocacy of motorways at the expense of rail. Arrested development of rail transit in Auckland presents a striking contrast to Wellington, New Zealand, where suburban rail is […]
The Campaign for Better Transport (CBT) would like to congratulate the Government for attempting to develop an energy strategy. As the CBT is primarily focused on transport issues, we have chosen to concentrate our submission on this area. We have arranged our submission into key headings. We have also included […]
Cameron Pitches asks what strategy the Government has for rising oil prices. A little over a year ago, when oil was $US56 a barrel, I wrote an article which concluded that New Zealand needed to diversify away from fossil fuels in order to survive and prosper. One year on, and […]
Cameron Pitches / NZ Herald During the debate about the forthcoming 5c per litre increase in petrol excise, a number of politicians and commentators have suggested deferring the increase until oil prices stabilise at lower levels. Yet no one has been able to offer a valid reason why prices should […]
by John Shaw, former Transit Board Member In a recent paper Christopher Sheil of the University of NS Wales talked about editors of the Australian Financial Review being “PPPed out”. He went on to say that that it may be a deliberate strategy, by supporters of PPP, to make the […]