The Campaign for Better Transport (CBT) is extremely disappointed at Auckland Transport’s announcement of various line closures over the next three years. Auckland Transport is planning the following line closures over the coming three years as part of an extensive programme of works: Southern Line (Otahuhu to Newmarket) and Onehunga […]
Auckland Council released the Mayoral Proposal today as part of its Annual Budget 2022/23 consultation process. With a growing desire to decarbonise the Auckland economy, there has been a significant focus on making improvements to the public transport system. Auckland Transport surveys have identified that the two biggest barriers for […]
An historical perspective by Gordon Bonetti, CBT Member The Maori people of New Zealand have a very apt proverb, “Mata a muri kei te aro ke!”Loosely translated it means, “ To find the way forward we must first look back into the past.”So it was from this viewpoint that this […]
Over at the forum, I asked the question what would make a good fare structure for Auckland. Given the recent news that the Snapper system is coming to Auckland next year, I think it is important to focus on what would really make a difference to the average punter using buses, trains and […]
With most business opportunities, it is possible to calculate the expected monetary benefits and costs, while considering other factors such as the opportunity cost of capital and project risk.A similar approach for transport infrastructure projects is also attractive. Just work out the benefits in today’s money, divide this by the […]
Now if I’m being honest here, I will admit that public transport advocates do get hammered a bit on the whole “economics of transport” debate. The roads lobby constantly states how through petrol taxes trucks and cars pay their way, yet at the same time rail and buses simply can’t […]
Transport planners Julie Anne Genter, Stuart Donovan and Professor of Economics Tim Hazledine explain why there is no such thing as a free lunch, and there is no such thing as free parking.