Point Chevalier residents can now catch a direct bus to Newmarket between 7 – 9am and back again between 3pm – 6.10pm on weekdays, starting on the 1st November.
The service is in addition to its regular hourly service operating between 9.15am – 5.45pm on Saturdays.
Scott Macarthur, the director of Macarthur Buslines, says the changes are primarily directed at students so that they can use the existing service to travel to and from school. The new 3.10pm and 3.50pm service will however offer a further option for employees or shoppers in Newmarket who are wanting to get back to Kingsland or Pt Chevalier.
The move is supported by the Newmarket Business Association.
“As a Point Chevalier resident I have long been disappointed that locals can not catch one direct bus to Newmarket. The new direct weekday services at peak times will be well received by Newmarket employees and school children living on that side of town and retailers alike,” says Cameron Brewer, head of the Newmarket Business Association.
The cost from Point Chevalier to Newmarket is $3.20 one way. The cost from Kingsland to Newmarket is $1.60.
To find out more, go to www.mbl.net.nz