Media Release: Letter sent to Len Brown contradicts media statements The Campaign for Better Transport today labelled Transport Minister Gerry Brownlee’s response to an 18 month study of transport options for Auckland as “cynical and arrogant.” Mr Brownlee yesterday dismissed a report prepared jointly by SKM, Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, […]
Yearly Archives: 2012
In place of our usual Committee meeting, the Campaign for Better Transport will be hosting a Christmas function on 11 December, 7:30 pm at our usual venue of the Epsom Community Centre, 202 Gillies Ave. All members are welcome – but even if you aren’t a member and want to […]
Brian Rudman at the Herald has obtained a copy of the report that forms the City Centre Future Access Study. This is the report that central Government asked Auckland Council to produce to identify what other options there were to a rail tunnel. The draft also warns that by as […]
Our submission on the Land Transport Management Act Amendment Bill is here. Our biggest concern is that this bill repeals any chance of a regional fuel tax for Auckland: There is absolutely no need for the regional fuel tax provisions to be removed as the government already has the ability […]
The new AT Hop card is finally being rolled out on October 28th, but what is happening with the Family Pass? The Maxx website is still advertising the $24 daily pass: Unlimited train travel. Available after 9.00am on weekdays and anytime on the weekends and public holidays. Family consists of […]
The perennial topic of travel time savings came up in a yesterday’s Herald Sideswipe article: A reader writes: “If you live in Whangaparaoa instead of, say, Takapuna, you will spend around 30 minutes extra each way in your car at rush hour. Since in each eight-hour work day most people spend […]
The Campaign For Better Transport is proud to be involved with the upcoming film night, featuring the Urbanized documentary. It should be a great night, and it is also a fundraiser for upgrading the server for transportblog. There are less than 30 tickets left, so be in quick.
Dear Minister Auckland City Rail Link Recent comments you have made in Parliament lead me to believe you are receiving inaccurate advice on the expected patronage and benefits of the proposed Auckland City Rail Link. In Auckland, over 40% of all trips into the CBD each day are made using […]