Quite a good article in the Herald on Sunday today. I do hope central Government takes note of the headline – at the moment they seem to think building more roading capacity is the appropriate response: Soaring petrol costs are forcing people on to public transport in record numbers. Bus […]
Yearly Archives: 2011
Last Friday the CBT made our representation to the Waterview Board of Inquiry , which is being run by the Environmental Protection agency. The transcript is here, and it has a quite revealing exchange with myself and Judge Newhook. It is revealing because clearly the Environmental Protection Agency does not see […]
During Question Time in Parliament last week, it sounded like the Government accepted that it had a problem it should be dealing with. Gareth Hughes: Does he expect—as many commentators expect—that the next decade will see continuing oil price spikes? Hon BILL ENGLISH: It is possible. That is why, if we […]
The Campaign For Better Transport appeared before the Board of Inquiry for the Waterview motorway project. A copy of our representation is here, but key sections are: The CBT remains opposed to the project in its current form, as we consider it does not contribute to a more sustainable transport […]
Friends of the Earth is launching what promises to be an “unpopular book” on Friday 11th March, 7:30pm at the Leys Institute Lecture Room, St Mary’s Bay Rd. Cars at the End of an Era : Transport Issues in the New Zealand Greenhouse is a new book by John Robinson. Could we bear to […]
Despite the press conference before Christmas where it was claimed that the new integrated ticket in Auckland wouldn’t be called Snapper, and the Herald revealing a $1m publicity budget for the Hop Card, Snapper branding appears to be rolling out in Auckland anyway: The latest Infratil monthly report states that […]
The really interesting thing about the editorial in the NZ Herald about toll dodgers is that it tells us that ” the tolls paid off more than $11.3m of a 35-year $159m loan it took to complete the $356m project ” in the last two years. The article claims that […]
Katie from NZ Bus has responded to my complaint about overloading on the 005 in the morning: RE CASE 2011/01820 Thank you for your feedback regarding the recent heavy loading issues experienced by the 7.57am 005 service. The Metrolink team have now addressed this issue by assigning a larger 3 […]