The new Outer Link service started today, so I dragged the family along to the bus stop at Westmere and we took it to St Lukes shopping mall. We got off to a nervous start. The real-time information board at Westmere shops advised that the next “OUT” was “due”, then […]
Yearly Archives: 2011
The team at have been unflinching in their determination to build walking and cycling access across the Harbour Bridge. The design concept will be launched on Sunday August 21st, 3:oopm at the new Karanga Gateway Plaza, Wynyard Quarter. More information at
The Campaign for Better Transport will be hosting a public meeting in Hamilton: Monday 22nd August, 7:30 pm. Methodist Centre, 60 London St, Hamilton Come along and hear what local MPs and political parties have to say about passenger rail and public transport in Hamilton. MPs and candidates from all the […]
Media Release From the Campaign for Better Transport Regular rail services using the recently refurbished Silver Fern railcar could be the outcome of a trial run this Friday August 12, believes the Campaign for Better Transport. For the past several months a number of local councils have been working with […]
In a Herald article last Friday, Transport Minister Steven Joyce came out with the following straw man argument: “I don’t think anyone would buy the suggestion that that very, very expensive project should just be paid for by road users,” he said. In response, Transport Minister Steven Joyce is right, but no-one is […]
The Sunday Star-Times has run a story on the possibility of public transport cost increases for local councils, backing up Gareth Hughes’ concerns. In it the CBT is quoted: “We hope the government isn’t going to be too severe on the public transport spend. But we know they are cutting […]
The Herald today reports that Unstable ground around Dome Valley north of Auckland threatens to rip the wheels off the Government’s “road of national significance” from Puhoi to Wellsford. Transport Agency northern highways manager Tommy Parker has admitted concerns about the feasibility of completing the road as a four-lane expressway […]
We are delighted to confirm that Auckland Councillor Mike Lee will be speaking on the transport challenges facing Auckland right now at our Annual General Meeting. There will be time to ask Cr Lee any questions you may have. Tuesday 12th July, 7:30pm Grey Lynn Community Centre, 510 Richmond Rd. […]