Yearly Archives: 2010
The National Business Review reports Ports of Auckland have begun their new rail service to the inland port at Wiri, taking numerous trucks off the motorway between the port and south Auckland. Some great statistics: The rail link will reduce the number of trucks on Auckland’s busy roads, with forecasts […]
Taranaki Daily News reports: Kiwirail is poised to announce that the Stratford to Okahukura line, which has been closed since being damaged by a derailment in November last year, will not be reopened.
The Manawatu Standard reports: Here is Palmerston North’s bottom line: A rail service to Wellington that is inferior to the one we have now will not be acceptable.
A letter from the Sustainable Energy Forum to Minister of Transport Steven Joyce has drawn a predictable response. Tim Jones from SEF wrote this letter, calling for the Government to rethink its transport policy in the light of the International Energy Agency’s recent predictions of a forthcoming oil supply crunch and […]
It is just galling to read the comments of Transport Minister Steven Joyce on the Puhoi to Wellsford holiday highway in the Herald today: A report from the Transport Agency released yesterday by Mr Joyce gives estimates of cost for the whole job. These vary from $1.3 billion to $2.04 […]
Geoff_184 has an excellent sequence of videos that clearly demonstrate the impact of the “missing link” at the new Newmarket station. As Geoff explains, two western line SA sets, one arriving from Britomart into platform 1, followed by another departing platform 2/3 for Britomart. The latter train had a six minute […]
Brian Rudman comments in the Herald on the sneaky press release just before Christmas. Think of a figure, double it, add your age and subtract the number of eels in Oakley Creek: that, it seems, is as good a guess as any for the price of completing the Waterview Connection. […]