Submissions on the Waterview Connection Project close Friday 15th October at 5:00pm.
The Campaign for Better Transport’s submission is here . In summary:
- It is questionable whether the project will achieve the objectives that NZTA have highlighted.
- The proposed bus shoulder lanes along State Highway 16 are an inadequate gesture to provide high quality “Quality Transit Network” standard public transport along this route. Suggestions to improve the quality of the lanes are detailed further in the submission.
- Further public transport improvements on local arterial roads must form part of this project package, to ensure that the traffic benefits of the project are “locked in” and not lost to induced demand.
- Extensions and improvements to the proposed cycle paths are required to ensure the project contributes to multi-modal transport benefits.
- The widening of State Highway 16 must be questioned and reassessed, as the documentation accompanying the application states it will not bring any congestion relief benefits – but will cause significant environmental effects. It is also noted that the State Highway 16 works have been “snuck into” this application – which is generally presented as only the Waterview Connection.
- Support of the designation’s protection of the Avondale-Southdown rail corridor.
If you feel inclined to make your own submission, you must ensure that the EPA receives your submission by 5.00pm, Friday 15 October 2010 at:
Environmental Protection Authority
Waterview Connection project
PO Box 10720
The Terrace
Wellington 6143
Or email:
Or fax: 04 439 7714. Please mark in the subject line: “Waterview Connection project”.
You must also send a copy of your submission to the applicant, the NZTA, whose address for service is:
NZ Transport Agency
Attn: Deepak Rama
Waterview Connection Project
Private Bag 106602
Auckland 1143
Phone: 09 368 2001 or Fax: 09 969 9813
Or email: