Lincoln Tan reports in the Herald on recent Auckland public transport patronage figures. Use of public transport in Auckland has hit a 25-year high, with commuters reporting increased satisfaction with the service on offer. The Auckland Regional Transport Authority’s annual passenger figures showed 58.6 million trips were made in the […]
Monthly Archives: August 2009
The Central Connector is a critical public transport project providing continuous bus lanes between Britomart and Newmarket. According to Auckland City Council, the project has the following benefits: The Central Connector forms a crucial part of Auckland’s expanding transport network, linking into the Northern Busway at Britomart and connecting future […]
John Landrigan investigates the progress being made on electrification of Auckland’s rail network in this article in the Aucklander. The Government insists that electric rail is still on, dare we say, track. But Auckland is borrowing to buy an ageing diesel fleet of British cast-offs. All abooooard the great traans-Auckland rail jooourneeey. Bear […]
Julian Bevis of Maersk New Zealand goes to bat for the shipping industry in this article in the Herald: Since 2007, more than 100 of our vessels have used super slow steaming and, thanks to our collaboration with engine manufacturers, Maersk’s entire fleet is now capable of sailing at half […]
Dr Fatih Birol of the widely respected IEA has never been one to shout that the sky is falling. This warning should be taken very seriously. From the Herald: The world is heading for a catastrophic energy crunch that could cripple a global economic recovery because most of the major […]
Tim Davin of the Institute of Professional Engineers comments in today’s Herald: Who will bear the cost of heavier vehicles? Where will the costs of heavier vehicles fall, and will they improve New Zealand’s productivity? We really don’t know the answers to these questions as the analysis has not been […]